domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2020

Yes, i´m directioner :)

Hi everybody! today I will tell you about the best concert ever!, well It all started on the first of May in Estadio Nacional, my favorite boyband was going to perform there, One Direction. They formed as a band in 2011 when they auditioned for "The X Factor" individually, then Simon Cowell decided to put them together. They were together until 2016, they had several songs with great worldwide success, also many covers by famous singers like "Forever young" or "One way or another".

 I'm fan of One Direction since 2012, from that moment never stop following them, the day of the concert was crazy, I remember thet I arrived at the stadium and I saw a lot of people, in general girls just as crazy as me for them haha. I had bought in the front rows, I was so excited!. The atmosphere was frantic, all girls were screaming and singing their songs, It was raining that day too, which added an even more magical touch to the situation.
I think was one of the best day of my life, I was crying all the concert haha. After the concert ended I was in sock, I still didn't assimilate everything that had happened.
My mother went to find me and I couldn't stop telling her how the experience was, she told me about when she was a teeneger and she went to saw Pablito Ruiz haha.
At present, I still have the concert ticket as a treasure :)


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