martes, 17 de noviembre de 2020

I will be an embassador of Chile someday!, well... i hope haha.

Hi my dear readers!  how are you?, today I'm going to talk about what kind of job would I like to have. First of all, I want to tell you that I'm taking the 4th semester of Public Administration in Escuela de Gobierno y Gestión Pública of Univeridad de Chile, even though I 've been studying for a short time, I knew in what i wanted to work and what i wanted to study since 6 years ago.  It has always attracted my attention to follow a diplomacy career. In specific I want to be ambassador of Chile,  for that reason I want to go to the Academia Andrés Bello, where only those who are suitable to carry out this type of work enter. 

I know that this job include knowing other countries both physically and historically. I think that this job is half outdoor and half indoor, since sometimes you have to do office work or other times have meetings in other countries.

I think that It is a pretty busy job, which you don't have much time to be with your family and friends, but I like to travel and know the world  so I think I should organize myself very well to be able to combine both things.

Regarding salary, It's not a secret that It's quite good, because a very important position is assumed that requires extensive knowledge and dedication. So I will have to study hard to meet this goal!.

5 comentarios:

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    1. I'm finishing the career and i wish i have the determination that you have hahah, it's fantastic that you already know the area that you like the most of the career. I hope you become a great ambassadress for our country :)

  2. Hi Bárbara, I like your plan for the future, being an ambassador requires great dedication and knowledge. I hope you can achieve it!

  3. Hi! Being an ambassador is a very important position, I hope you achieve it, but with the determination that you have, you are already one step ahead.Regards

  4. Hi Bárbara. It's amazing that you have clear what you want to do in your future for so long. I'm the oposite of you, I don't know yet what I wanna do with mine future.
    I hope to see you as an embassador.
