domingo, 27 de diciembre de 2020

The pandemic ended my plans :(

Hi everybody! How are you?. Today I'm going to talk about my plans for this summer. Well, this summer I don't have too much plans, because It's difficult to think about plans when We are living a global pandemic  :( the instructions on how to live the pandemic are constantly changing, for that reason you can only make small plans or even no plans.

I miss so much the life before the pandemic, when we were free to go or travel to any place. In fact, this year my family and me had planned to travel to the south of Chile and to go to the beach; but we couldn't do it for the circunstances. So, this summer I think that I will spend my time with my grandmother and boyfriend, They are the only people I visit in these times. Together with my grandmother we like to bake some cakes or cookies,  we love to watch novels at night,  she loves when I do a manicure and pedicure, or even We only talk about the life (we can do it during many hours), so we have many activities to do in home. 
With my boyfriend we usually go for a walk where he lives (because is a very beautiful place with a lot of  trees and plants), we watch some movie or the Pablo Escobar series, we swim in the pool when it's really hot and we cook something together. So I believe that despite everything, we can have fun with our loved ones.
But not all the time I can only have fun hahaha I would like to work in the summer, because I'm manicurist and i have to much work in this times, the problem is that I depens of the pandemic situation because i don't like to risk my family :( .

I love Pretty Little Liars, I recommend it!

Hi! welcome again to my blog post :) i hope you are fine... Today I'm going to talk about my favourite series: Pretty Little Liars. This series is about five friends who live in a small town called Rosewood, one day one of them, Allison, disappears without a trace, suddenly when the girls were looking for her, they received a message from someone unknown who called herself A, from that moment, a series of strange events begin to happen and they insist on discovering who A is and where her friend is.

I love this serie,  it keeps me in tension all the time, because unexpected situations constantly occur that make you believe that the mystery is solved but it is not. I like this type of series in general, those series that you have to pay attention all the time so as not to miss any detail, like mystery series, teen drama or police series. I don't usually watch movies or series, in fact i had watch three or four series in my life hahaha so, I would like to watch many of them, especially now, because I got disney plus and it has many series and movies of my childhood like Wizards of Waverly Place, Hannah Montan or The Suite life of Zack and Cody.

martes, 17 de noviembre de 2020

I will be an embassador of Chile someday!, well... i hope haha.

Hi my dear readers!  how are you?, today I'm going to talk about what kind of job would I like to have. First of all, I want to tell you that I'm taking the 4th semester of Public Administration in Escuela de Gobierno y Gestión Pública of Univeridad de Chile, even though I 've been studying for a short time, I knew in what i wanted to work and what i wanted to study since 6 years ago.  It has always attracted my attention to follow a diplomacy career. In specific I want to be ambassador of Chile,  for that reason I want to go to the Academia Andrés Bello, where only those who are suitable to carry out this type of work enter. 

I know that this job include knowing other countries both physically and historically. I think that this job is half outdoor and half indoor, since sometimes you have to do office work or other times have meetings in other countries.

I think that It is a pretty busy job, which you don't have much time to be with your family and friends, but I like to travel and know the world  so I think I should organize myself very well to be able to combine both things.

Regarding salary, It's not a secret that It's quite good, because a very important position is assumed that requires extensive knowledge and dedication. So I will have to study hard to meet this goal!.

I don't like watch movies, I prefer series :)

Hello! I hope you are fine, today I'm going to talk about my favourite movie. It doesn't difficult to me to choose my favourite movie because I don't like to watch movies :( in general people are surprised because I haven't watched most of the most iconic movies like Titanic, Star Wars or Harry Potter.

My favourite movie is  "Letters to Juliet", a romantic movie set in Italy. I love the plot, the connection between the main characters and especially the historical content and the landscapes that are shown. We can see many beautiful landscapes and buildings of Italy, the most iconic in this movie is the balcony where Romeo and Juliet used to meet, where today many women go to write letters, to ask Juliet for help.

I like to watch romantic or historical movies, in fact the last movie that I watched is "Schindler's List", It has super strong emotional scenes, which causes a great catharsis of emotions. I recommend this movie because we can learn more about Second War, how people survive (Nazis and Jews), how were the concentration camps, etc. This movie is three hours long but It's worth it, I think It makes us think a lot about our life and appreciate what we have today.

domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2020

Yes, i´m directioner :)

Hi everybody! today I will tell you about the best concert ever!, well It all started on the first of May in Estadio Nacional, my favorite boyband was going to perform there, One Direction. They formed as a band in 2011 when they auditioned for "The X Factor" individually, then Simon Cowell decided to put them together. They were together until 2016, they had several songs with great worldwide success, also many covers by famous singers like "Forever young" or "One way or another".

 I'm fan of One Direction since 2012, from that moment never stop following them, the day of the concert was crazy, I remember thet I arrived at the stadium and I saw a lot of people, in general girls just as crazy as me for them haha. I had bought in the front rows, I was so excited!. The atmosphere was frantic, all girls were screaming and singing their songs, It was raining that day too, which added an even more magical touch to the situation.
I think was one of the best day of my life, I was crying all the concert haha. After the concert ended I was in sock, I still didn't assimilate everything that had happened.
My mother went to find me and I couldn't stop telling her how the experience was, she told me about when she was a teeneger and she went to saw Pablito Ruiz haha.
At present, I still have the concert ticket as a treasure :)


A big piece of the history, Greece!

Hi! my name is Bárbara, today i going to talk about which country i would like to go. Well, i remember that since i was a child, i have always wanted to  travel around the world, for that reason is difficult to me to choose one place. However, Greece catches my attention, i remember that when i was in my history class, i like to hear how my teacher told us about that culture. She showed us some pictures of some very old buildings, monuments and statues of greek gods, they believe in many mythological beings and gods like Zeus, Poseidon, Atenea, etc.

I would like to go there because i love there culture, i would like to know all the monuments, statues, and their myths. There you can go on guided tours of the museums where you can learn more about their history. Another thing that i love is their food, they have food very different from ours like "gyros" (a kind of pita bread).

I think i would like to live there, because i love Europe in general, it's easy to go from one country to another. Also, Greece is a very good place to live, they hace a good quality of live, well i think that i should i would work a lot because that country is expensive, but i believe that it's worth it.



viernes, 15 de mayo de 2020

I don´t wanted to be a nurse :(

Hi everybody!
when i was only 6 years old i wanted to be a nurse, even in a kidergarden activity i had to characterize what i wanted to be when i grew up, and obviously thar i was a nurse haha (i´m sure that i have a picture of these day, but i don´t know where it is :(. ) This is really funny because in nowadays i hate to see blood and much more to see someone else's blood, really terrifies me.
I grew up...and when i was 12 years old i knew definitely that i wanted, Political Sciencies.
I could say that i have always wanted to study something related to the humanistic area (skipping being a nurse haha).
Well, in the day that i had to decide what to study i changed my first option and put the public admnistratio career, because i think that i could to influence more of there, executig public policies that will contribute to the country.
I love what i study and i hope that this will hold over time.
I would like to follow the diplomacy career, and to be ambassador of Chile someday...

thanks for reading :)!